Maerki Baumann named as a “bank active in crypto”

Maerki Baumann named as a “bank active in crypto”

In the sixth edition of its “CV VC Top 50 Report” (can be downloaded free of charge) CV VC has named Maerki Baumann as a “bank active in crypto”.

Maerki Baumann named as a “bank active in crypto”

This designation is a remarkable sign of recognition for our long-established commitment to the dynamic crypto world. It motivates us to drive forward our multi-phase crypto strategy, including the associated range of innovative services, with even greater vigour.

We remain convinced that digital assets (crypto currencies and tokens) will in future be a standard component of professional investment advisory and asset management.

Our crypto services

We would be delighted to act as your reliable partner in the new world of digital assets. As a regulated bank under Swiss law, we have proven processes and innovative security solutions in place to guarantee that all the relevant legal and regulatory requirements are consistently complied with, even in this relatively new business area.

We look forward to our conversation

Christian Kappes

Christian Kappes

Deputy Head Private Banking Switzerland
Member of Senior Management
Roger Arnet

Roger Arnet

Head Private Banking Germany
Head External Asset Managers
Member of Senior Management