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The basics of blockchain
Can you still remember the first time you held a smartphone in your hands? Did it feel strange? Or did it feel like it belonged there right away?
In many cases, technological achievements initially trigger our defence mechanisms. Because we do not understand them, we try to resist them, building walls in the process. However, as soon as we get to grips with new innovations, we realise that we can use them for ourselves.
It was exactly the same for us when we looked at blockchain technology and the crypto currencies based on it, including Bitcoin or Ether. The deeper we delved into the world of “new money”, the more clearly we recognised the opportunities it presents.
With this booklet, we want to show you how the crypto economy works and why it is becoming ever more important. This isn’t just about financial transactions, but rather also about ground-breaking applications such as the tracking of goods.
If you have no idea about blockchain and similar technologies, don’t worry: this is exactly why we have created this booklet. It should help you to sharpen your understanding and perhaps even arouse enthusiasm.
You don’t have to be a crypto expert. It is enough to familiarise yourself with the basics of a fascinating story that nobody can ignore any more. For everything else, we are your reliable partner in the dynamic crypto world.

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