Key figures & Annual reports

Key figures

An overview of the key figures of Maerki Baumann & Co. AG is provided below.

in CHF 1 00020232022
Profit (result of the period)11 7168 515
Gross profit15 17910 934
Net commission business and services income33 97235 178
Net trading income4 7413 855
Net interest income13 8608 546
Operating expenses39 30438 083
Total assets752 7171 102 664
Client assets9 165 3849 156 033
Eligible capital93 47289 886
Required regulatory capital21 79923 708
Excess capital71 67366 179
Tier 1 capital ratio30.8%27.2%
Total capital ratio33.8%30.0%
Number of employees (full-time equivalents)9083

Annual reports

The annual reports of Maerki Baumann & Co. AG provide an overview of the bank’s business activities, income statement and balance sheet.

Grafik Geschäftsbericht

Annual Report 2023

of Maerki Baumann & Co. AG

Corporate Governance
